This time of year is so fun for me! I love pumpkins and pumpkin related items! But just seeing all of the different varieties and colors and shapes of this beautiful fruit has become a Daily Ritual for me this year. I just wish I had the space and money to grab them all up and take them home! Maybe I will grow some one day!
My sister, Abby, and I both started the South Beach Diet (AGAIN) this past Monday. I need to loose 100 pounds! I weighed at the doctor on Tuesday when I went in to check up on my new blood pressure medicine. Yes, I said blood pressure medicine! I believe that the illnesses I was diagnosed with this summer are a result of my weight gain along with my high cholesterol, high blood pressure, fatigue, and maybe this latest bout with depression. So, I am doing this diet one day at a time... Plus a dear friend of mine is getting married in the Spring and I have to be skinny in the pictures! Another day, another diet... that is what you are thinking... But, the 100 lb mark was pretty shocking and besides my health I have a goal. An important date (that I can't change) that I have to be ready for. I know I can't loose the entire amount by the wedding but at least half.
So back to the top... all I can think about... I was talking to my sister this morning about how gross we used to eat. And how much we don't even want that crap we used to eat! And now ALL I can think about... is a Whataburger with cheese and crispy bacon and pickles and french fries on top!!!!!!!!!!!!
This morning I went to a doctors appointment that is scheduled for NEXT month on the 22nd! The receptionist and I laughed and laughed... but I was crying on the inside. Just kidding! I didn't really care becuase I was early for my next appointment and I had my knitting.
This morning Billy and I took a trip to visit the family farm in Farmersville, Texas. We had a delightful time. Tried our hand at a little fishin'. .. Took a walk on the wild side... and hunted wild flowers! We also discovered some very crafty wildlife! Some spiders use these (cow) hoof prints like little trap doors... a little bug is just walkin' along when BAM it falls in the trap with the lion at the bottom... well, I guess it isn't quite big enough for a lion, but those spiders can suck some guts! Eye spy something brown... no kidding... but can you see the living, breathing little guy in that mud? We also stumbled upon this big pink bush (in the middle of nowhere). Could this be a wild rose bush? It has thorns like one! Well, after all the sun and fun we could take it was time to head home... look at the craftmenship shown in the making of this fence. Crazy Cooper's! Hope you all have a lovely Sunday!
I decided to try a new challenge called Daily Rituals created by Curious Bird, found through While Tangerine Dreams. I am not going to restrict myself with rules this time. I will just try to stop, collaborate and listen... Just kidding. Well, here is what I wrote on the group board:
If I was to describe my life (right now) in one word it would be HAPLESS. I take full responsibility too! Time to smell the roses doesn't come around often in my *always running late* day. This challenge will help me to enjoy time rather than curse it. Since taking pictures is one of the things that makes my world go 'round this will be an extra special time!
Thanks! LC
So... we will see what I see...
Have a great day!
ps. I know my other stuff hasn't always gone as planned. I haven't given up on any of it. I am just struggling a bit these days with my health (mentally and physically). My journey is ongoing! I will prevail!
Just wanted to let everybody know that I haven't given up on my quest to journal (or whatever you wanna call it) on the blog. I have just been busy 'busying' myself with other things in order to avoid it!
Thought you needed an explanation though. Hope to have some heart wrenching stuff out soon!
The name of my blog is That's Life... and I have been purposely avoiding anything that pertains to my actual life. I chose the name because my boyfriend was laid off from his job and was at the cigar shoppe talking to a lovely old man who started quoting a Frank Sinatra song. I obviously found out the song and immediately bought the CD for him. (Because I am that good!) Once I heard the song I started to cry. Life happens whether you want it to or not. That's Life. I have been all of these things, plus some. But I will start with these...
I've been a... puppet-- I have lived my life pretending to be whatever my various puppeteers decide I should be. pauper-- have had my own "economic stimulus plan" with regards to my finances. pirate-- I have been convicted of a crime... DWI 2001... thought I could get away with it so I blew anyway... poet-- I wrote a poem about a pink African Violet my sister gave me. I love the way you sparkle. I love the way you shine. I love the way you're oooh so pink... just like my behind! pawn-- to most men I had met... king-- let's change this to princess... I am Daddy's little princess and I was once Mommy's too (until the age of 14).
Anyway, my therapist has told me to write a journal. I just can't. My hands cramp because I put too much pressure on the pen/pencil. And I hate it when you run out of book and your hand has no place to rest. Also when you are writing on the back side of the page and you are right handed... it just doesn't work!
So, in order to appease my therapist and not freak my mom out I am going to go for a happy medium. I read three blogs this week(one, two, three) that all touched me in some way... I now want to share a section of my life that may touch you in some way. I have had a blessed life! I have also struggled with depression for most of it. I have seen things that should pull me right out of it and done things that will drag me back into it. I hope to learn from myself through this and maybe help someone along the way.
Please stick with me through this journey. I am scared! I don't know what will come of this... but I hope it is a ton!
Thank you! LC
P.S. and Billy... you heard him about July... you better get on it!
Today I got the pleasure to do a photo shoot with little Miss Leah Caroline Curley! My sister wanted to have some black and white pictures for her birth announcements. It was a delight! Leah is absolutely perfect! How could I take a bad picture of her? Here are a few of my favorites... And here is one of Leah's big sister, Beans... can't leave out the big sister! (I know!)
I have a really big decision to make in the next couple of months.
I have had a lifelong interest in photography. Because of my Dad, I grew up with a camera always in my face! He took pictures of his three girls (Mom, Abby and me) all the time! It has been said that there was even a darkroom in the house at one point. I think mix of chemicals and toddlers was the reason it didn't survive. But... back to my point... because of my fathers love for the camera and the product of the camera (photos) I have a beautifully documented childhood.
Watching my dad and seeing things through his perspective showed me how differently each person sees the world. Things that he might take note of or catch in a brief moment I might never have had the chance to see. And so goes my passion for taking photographs. I hope that just once I can show someone something they may never have seen with their own eyes. Whether it be a beautiful Angolan child, a cicada emerging from its shell, a baby's first smile or a couple of moths mating... I take pride in knowing I can catch the moment and have the opportunity to share it with other people.
Again... back to my point... I have been looking into attending The Art Institute of Dallas. I know how to point and shoot. I know how to watch my four corners. I even know when I took a crap shot! I don't know the actual mechanics of the camera, lighting or really anything about digital photography. I also could use some schooling in different types of photography like portraiture, architectural, wedding, etc. If I decide to go to school I would also hope to learn some techniques to improve my skills at my current job.
So, it all sounds great right? Everything besides the cost of the school... which I CANNOT afford! I will have to get school loans. At the ripe old age of 31 I never thought about having any sort of (large) debt aside from a home. This will obviously postpone the procurement of a home... and the mass-production of children I was hoping for. But, I will have a marketable skill! Wowzer!
I will now ask for your prayers and advice... I love to shoot! Should I make it my living? LC
I was wondering if I could copy my tweets and give them to my therapist... maybe then I wouldn't have to talk so much. Plus, she is always trying to get me to journal! It's the same right?
Things people do in Luanda Angola... Fishing... home improvement... School... Selling... fruit and nuts... ...handmade brooms... ...air fresheners... or anything they can find. We saw someone selling toilet paper on the street too! Soccer games go on all over the place! Singing... ...dancing... ... and going to Church are also some of the things these beautiful people do.
Update on next trip to Angola:
I received an email from our team leader earlier this week! We are going to try and schedule a trip for maybe June 3rd or 4th through June 15th to go into the Interior to hand out Nets in the Villages or fly to Cunene/Ungiva (?) to hand out Nets to the Refugee camps. There has been a lot of flooding and so they have these Refugee camps that have no help.
That is all I know for now... things could change or fall through if we can't get the funding needed or if we aren't able to purchase enough nets. Please pray for our team and the people who's lives could be touched.
Thank you to all of you who made my birthday extra special... It all started Saturday night when Billy made me dinner and a red velvet cake! Yum! And Sunday my mom and dad hosted a brunch at their house with my favorite... muffins and mimosas! Then I got the best Sunday afternoon nap! Today my office mates greeted me with a cake... chocolate with butter cream icing AND ice cream! Then for lunch we all met at my ALL TIME FAVORITE... LUBY's!!! I was so very excited! Here are some pictures of the lunch bunch and my favorite guest, Leah! I got tons of fun gifts but my favorite would have to be from my very clever sister... in fact she had to explain it to me a little bit... A Blackjack but the phone isn't ready yet so she gave me this. She really is clever. Leah and I were both exhausted after lunch and I wished I could just snuggle up with her under the blanket! And because he is sooooo cute I wanted to put up a picture of Billy! Love him! Also, I can't forget all the well wishers on Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter... thank you for taking the time to wish me a happy birthday!
I love to laugh... Ha ha ha ha.
Loud and long and clear!
I love to laugh... Ha ha ha ha.
So everybody can hear!
And... I make myself laugh more than I make other people laugh. But, I'm alright with that. :-P