Thursday, December 18, 2008

Shot in the head four times...


Actually I had four Occipital Nerve Blocks... this procedure consists of superficial injections of a local anesthetic with corticosteroids at the level of the superior nuchal line to develop a wall of anesthetic surrounding the posterior occipital artery. Occipital blocks offer immediate and sometimes long term palliative benefit to patients suffering from migraine, tension and/or cluster headaches! Blah blah blog... but, like I said, it is working! I got the injections yesterday and my migraine just washed away! Today the injection sites are sore but some Advil took care of that. I am feeling FANTABULOUS!

UPDATE: still a non-smoker, working out and eating better than ever!


betty cooper said...

Attagirl! Way to Go! Good job babe!! woohoo! and all other exclamations of goodness! keep on keeping on.

julie said...

I need a dictionary to read that blog! Do you have lots of migraines? Those are the WORST!!!

abby said...

a shot in the head... sounds like the ONE thing I would like LESS than being shot with a GIANT needle in the tiny epidural space of my delicate spine. But I'm so glad for you!!!

Brandie said...

How awesome!!! For everything above.