Friday, March 26, 2010

fun with family...

I had a precious visitor at the office this week! On Tuesday my sister brought little Leah by to say hi!!!
Um... could she BE any cuter???
I love my family! And for those of you who wonder why I am the way I am... here is a preview of the show I got last night... my mom got a hold of one of my fiber braids (used to spin yarn). She thought it looked like hair and was prancing around her room with it on her head and then attached to her ponytail! She is so crazy!
Crazy good!

Happy day!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!

So, yesterday I turned the big 32! I know... who could believe it? Actually, I got this card from a friend I work with that says "You'll never be old as long as your mind is young and innocent, and your heart is pure." Then you open it up and it says... "You are SO screwed!" Ha ha! She knows me pretty well!

I got to have a wonderful dinner with the family last night and forgot to take pictures... we had Caesar salad and crab cakes first then on to a delicious filet with sweet potatoes and green and white beans! And right before I was about to bust we had a lovely pineapple pound cake with cool whip on top! YUM!

And then I woke up this morning with a migraine and a giant zit! What?!?!? When does this zit thing stop? And the migraine thing... come on! I have suffered long enough! But my new medicine really does work if you can catch it before it gets really bad.

Anyway, I am feeling better this afternoon. And... I think this 32 years old thing is going to be okay. I have a few big decisions to make in the near future and a LOT of little ones... but I am positive about the whole thing. I will be fine. And I will look back on this year as a great one!

Have a great weekend friends!


ps. the remaining frog, Maude, is looking for a new home... Anyone interested PLEASE let me know!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

long time no see...

No excuse!

But on that subject... I recently visited a bff (best friend forever), Joseph, who I hadn't seen in over 3 years! We had a blast! I actually went to celebrate his birthday but ended up feeling more like it was mine.

Joseph took me touring the mountains near Asheville, North Carolina.

We spent hours in front of these microphones playing and singing song after song.

And some time just relaxing spinning or knitting (well, just me).

Joseph was feeling overwhelmed by all of the girly crafting and thought doing a manly household project would balance it out...

There was quite a bit of eating...
...and LOTS of laughing!

Here are some random Joseph pics...

...random "nice" kitty pics...

... and the only cat in the world that doesn't like me!
Random nature pics...

I am telling you it was one of my favorite vacations! I am planning at least one more trip this year to Asheville for Camp Pluckyfluff in July!!! Could it get any better than that???

I guess I have some catching up to do... so I will see you soon!

ps. thanks for the lovely time Joseph!