Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Don't fret! I am still here!

I decided to try a new challenge called Daily Rituals created by Curious Bird, found through While Tangerine Dreams. I am not going to restrict myself with rules this time. I will just try to stop, collaborate and listen... Just kidding. Well, here is what I wrote on the group board:

If I was to describe my life (right now) in one word it would be HAPLESS. I take full responsibility too! Time to smell the roses doesn't come around often in my *always running late* day. This challenge will help me to enjoy time rather than curse it. Since taking pictures is one of the things that makes my world go 'round this will be an extra special time!


So... we will see what I see...

Have a great day!

ps. I know my other stuff hasn't always gone as planned. I haven't given up on any of it. I am just struggling a bit these days with my health (mentally and physically). My journey is ongoing! I will prevail!